Parent Meeting Recap 2024
Saddle Creek Swim Team Parent Meeting 2024
So excited to see so many old and new faces today! Looking forward to a great season! If you weren't able to attend, please read the meeting highlights below:
- Email is the best way to reach me! [email protected]
- For the safety of all swimmers, No Talking to Coaches During Practice!
- The deck will be for swimmers and coaches only for the May afternoon practices. This is to help the swimmers and coaches focus on each other without the distraction/noise of parents and siblings.
- Put the meet postcard on your fridge to remember practice times and meet days--pick up at practice this week.
- Evening practices are limited to 15 kids. Little Dolphins aren't eligible for evening practices. See the Home page for more info. Swimmers must be able to swim on their own.
- 6 and Under parents need to wait on the property during practice. We encourage you to wait in the Pavillion.
- Swimmers will look rough the first swim meet. This is expected and okay. Swimmers who come to most practices, will see big time improvements in later meets.
- You must Declare or Undeclare for each meet. Please let us know either way!
- Home Meets: Swimmers arrive no later than 4:15. Away Meets: Swimmers arrive no later than 4:30.
- Suggested items to bring to meets: Chairs, extra towels, sunscreen, googles, t-shirts, snacks, games or activities for swimmers, concession money (small bills, please!) Refer to Swim Meet 101 for more info.
- ASA Swim Meet (optional): This is a great experience that the kids love to participate in! This year's meet is on 6/27.
- Every family must accumulate 5 volunteer points this season.
- Sign up via the app or website beginning 5/16 at 8 PM
- Job descriptions are listed here.
- Each family must have 5 volunteer points in the system at the end of the season. If this requirement is not met, you will be auto-charged $150. This was a condition of registration. Contact Summer if you think meeting these hours will be a challenge. There are lots of opportunities and we will work with you! You may work more points of course!
- Meets are broken into sections and each job is 1 point.
- Complete Volunteer info can be found here.
- Swim Lessons: Coaches offer swim lessons before or after practice during the week. There will be a list of coaches fees, and their numbers next week at practice to begin scheduling any lessons with them. You must complete an SCHOA Swim Liability Form for each swimmer taking lessons. This form is found in the binder for night practices or Summer can email it. Click here for coach bios and fees.
- Team pictures are on May 31 at 9:00 am before Fun Friday.
- End of the Season Party is June 26 10 AM -12 Noon. More details to come!
- The baby pool is not monitored, and therefore closed during practices and meets. Please help us enforce this!!
- Please help take care of the clubhouse and pool. Throw away your trash and be respectful of the property!
Finally, please review the Swimmer Responsibilities and Parent Responsibilities to ensure that everyone is aware of the expectations of swim team!
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