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Practice Policies

  • Arrive dressed and ready to swim
  • Parents: DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS TO COACHES DURING PRACTICE.  Please direct all questions to team reps. This is imperative to ensure the safety of swimmers! 
  • Practices and meets are subject to be canceled due to weather, low temps (in May), and unexpected pool closures.  Practices and meets can not be rescheduled. Swim fees will not be adjusted for canceled practices or meets. 
  • To ensure the safety of swimmers and reduce distractions, only swimmers in the current practice be on deck. Siblings not in a practice must wait with parents in the clubhouse pavilion, green space, or playground.  
  • The baby pool is off-limits during practices and meets. Swim team reps and coaches do not man or watch the baby pool.
  • Kids who are on the swim team should not be in the baby pool. 
  • Understand that swim team practices start out slow and coaches will spend time determining each swimmer's ability and confidence level.  Swim practice is a process and there will be tremendous improvements in a short amount of time. 
  • Disruptive/rude swimmers during practice will be removed from the team. 
  • Swim team parent volunteers and coaches are NOT responsible for any children not at the current practice on the property.  An adult should be present and supervise kids on the property who are not in practice. 
  • Swimmers who are not members of Saddle Creek may not stay at the pool to swim following a practice. Swimmers/families that do not honor this policy will be removed from the team. 
  • The summer swim team is about being introduced to swimming as a sport, to provide some summer activity, get to know neighbors, and to have fun.  Parent reps can direct you to competitive swim clubs if your swimmer is looking for a challenge following summer swim team. 

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